

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

New Resource Available - Reduce Wasted Food Household Tip Sheet

It’s estimated that Americans throw out about one quarter of all their food purchases.  Wasting food increases the amount of trash we create, and increases our costs for food purchases and for managing waste.  To address this issue, the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) has created a tip sheet for households with easy-to-adopt strategies for reducing and eliminating food waste at home. 

The Reduce Wasted Food Tip Sheet for Residents provides valuable information about what can be done on daily and weekly schedules to manage food that’s already in the refrigerator.  Information included provide the following tips and more: how to use your fridge to help you with optimal storing of food; how to arrange what’s in the fridge so you know what to eat first and what you need to buy; numerous food facts; links to recipes; and preserving and canning foods. The Reduce Wasted Food Tip Sheet also includes apps for making shopping lists, smart food storage, and where to find more information on reducing food waste. 

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