

GardenShare mission and vision statement

Our mission:

Gardenshare's mission is to solve the problem of hunger in St. Lawrence County through policy advocacy work and by strengthening the food system to benefits all County residents.

Our vision:

Healthy Food – The County has a vibrant, local food system where our food choices are healthy for us, for our communities, and for the environment.

Healthy Farms – Farmers are able to make a living that supports their families, contributing to a robust local economy.

Everybody Eats –  Everyone in the County has access to enough nutritious and affordable food to sustain a healthy lifestyle.  When food assistance is needed, whether from government or private sector programs, it is provided in dignified ways that respect both the receiver and the giver of assistance.

We believe that:

       Nutritious food is a basic human right, so hunger is universally unacceptable and no one has to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
       The response to people's needs is both human and personal, always valuing both those who need help and those who help.
       The availability of food is not taken for granted.
       There is an understanding and respect for the hard work and effort it takes to bring safe, nutritious, healthy food to the table.
       Government, business, organizations, and individuals must work together to ensure that everyone has access to good, nutritious food.
       Localized and grass-roots efforts are as highly valued as those that are more centralized.
       Sustained cooperation of many individual, organizations, and government over time leads to a  hunger-free community.

To implement this vision, we will:
       Operate as an effective charitable organization and make sound business decisions.
       Be good stewards of the human, monetary, and other resources entrusted to us.
       Remember that caring, committed, and compassionate people are our most valuable assets. 
       Be honest and open in all relationships, communications, dealings, and transactions.
       Ensure that a variety of voices are represented in our decision-making.
       Remain mindful that solving hunger requires new and innovative solutions and become active participants in finding and implementing those solutions.

Creating a community where long-term solutions are not just desired, but expected may take many years.  It will take more than our work to create this kind of societal change.  These realizations will not deter us from taking the steps we can, each day, each month, each year, to move the world closer to this vision.

Approved by the Board of Directors March 11, 2015

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